1964	Reduction of the N-Particle Variational Problem. Journal of
	Mathematical Physics, 5, 1756 (with J. K. Percus)

1966	Ground-State Density Matrices of Quantum Fluids. The Physics of
	Fluids, 9, 1764

1966	Hamiltonian Path-Integral Methods. Reviews of Modern Physics, 38, 483

1968	Covariant Hamiltonian Dynamics with Interactions. Physical Review,
	167, 1143

1968	Angular Symmetry of the 2-Matrix. Physical Review, 172, 173

1969	Reduced Density Matrices of Energy Eigenstates. Journal of Mathematical
	Physics, 10, 1761 (with J. K. Percus, L. J. Kijewski, and M. Rosina)

1969	The Particle-Hole Matrix: Its Connection with the Symmetries and
	Collective Features of the Ground State. Journal of Mathematical
	Physics, 10, 1855 (with M. Rosina)

1970	Dilitation Symmetry of Classical Electrodynamics with Charged
	Particles of Finite Mass. Physical Review, D1, 1524

1972	Rigorous Statistical Mechanics for Nonuniform Systems. Journal of
	Mathematical Physics, 13, 1168 (with C. S. Simmons)

1973	The Density of a Nonuniform System in the Thermodynamic Limit.
	Journal of Mathematical Physics, 14, 1075 (with C. S. Simmons)

1974	A generalization of the Hartree-Fock One-Particle Potential.
	International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 8, 501
1975	The Variational Approach to the Two-Body Density Matrix. Journal
	of Mathematical Physics, 16, 868 (with M. V. Mihailovic and M. Rosina)

1975	The Variational Calculation of Reduced Density Matrices. Journal of
	Computational Physics, 18 300 (with M. Rosina)

1976	A Density Matrix Variational Calculation for Atomic Be. International
	Journal Quantum Chemistry, 10, 495 (with M. A. Fusco)

1978	Inequalities for Fermion Denisty Matrices. International Journal of
	Quantum Chemistry, 13, 125 (with J. M. Hannon)

1978	Density Matrix Methods in Orbital Optimization for MCSCF
	Calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 13, 769

1979	The Application of Group Theory to Generate New Representability
	Conditions for Rotationally Invariant Density Matrices. Journal of
	Mathematical Physics, 20, 1366 (with R. M. Erdahl, B. Golli, and M. Rosina)

1982	Generalization of the Onsager Reciprocity Theorem. Physical Review
	Letters, 48, 1575 (with J. P. Hurley)

1982	Symmetry Properties of Nonlinear Barrier Coefficients. Journal of
	Statistical Physics, 29, 33 (with J. P. Hurley)

1982	Reciprocity Conditions for a Quasilinear Uniform Barrier. Physical
	Review, A26, 3525

1983	Symmetry Relations for the Conductivity Tensor. Physical Review
	A27, 1487 (with J. P. Hurley)

1984	Variational Principle for Nonlinear Steady Flow. Journal of
	Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, 9, 97

1987	Nonequilibrium Ensemble Dynamics. Physical Review, A41, 1350
	(with R. Harris and J. P. Hurley)

1990	Stochastic Models of Crystal Growth in Two Dimensions. Physical
	Review, A41, 4184

1990	Mapping of Crystal Growth onto the 6-Vertex Model. Solid State
	Communications, 75, 375 (with A. C. Levi and M. Touzani)

1991	Kinetic 6-Vertex Model as a Model of BCC Crystal Growth. Journal
	of Statistical Physics, 64, 579 (with A. C. Levi and M. Kotrla)

1991	A Stochastic Model of 3-Dimensional Crystal Growth. Journal of
	Statistical Physics, 63, 987

1993	Growth Modes and Models for Smooth and Rough Surfaces. Physica
	Scr., T49B, 593 (with A. C. Levi and M. Kotrla)

1999	Three Interesting Problems in statistical mechanics. American
	Journal of Physics, 67, 1140 (with Mitja Rosina)

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